In some parts of the country the trees and daffodils are blooming and some are still under a blanket of snow. No matter what, the calendar has turned a page and it is March. March is National Nutrition Month. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the nutrition experts (it’s members) celebrate the whole month bringing emphasis to nutrition everywhere. This year’s theme is “Put Your Best Fork Forward”.
Click on the link above and learn many simple ways to make your meals healthier. Learn how to read and make sense of the new Nutritional Facts Label on the foods, or how to julienne vegetables. There are videos, recipes and even a way to find an expert near you. Getting personalized nutritional coaching is essential to prevent or delay the onset of chronic illnesses. If you have already been diagnosed with a chronic condition, call a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist today to help you manage it with best, evidence-based scientific knowledge.
A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist can translate the science into practical tips that you can make part of your lifestyle and sustain for long term. There is no one diet that fits all. Fad diets come and go. Most fad diets are just that; fads! If you are looking to improve your health and wellbeing consult a health care provider who is specifically trained to do so: a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist! Many states have licensure of nutrition professionals to ensure public safety. Wouldn’t you want your health care provider to be licensed?
North Carolina has licensure and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who are licensed to practice Medical Nutrition Therapy have a Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist (LDN) credential. Look for it when you consider getting help with your diet! You want to put your best fork forward, today and everyday.