Rest and Relaxation

You have been working hard at your goals all year long. Especially in the last couple of months of the year there seem to be extra demands on us to please everyone. Host a meal or a party, attend several events, be nice, social, buy the right gifts, do good for the community and so forth. It is not only physically exhaustingenjoylifeg but also mentally challenging.

For personal health and well-being, rest and relaxation is equally important as eating properly and exercising routinely. Take time to pay attention to yourself over the next week as this year comes to a close. There are many ways and flavors of rest and relaxation (R&R). Not every form of R&R is suitable or enjoyable to all. Some like to go for a run or to a spa, some just need to catch up on sleep or lay around on a beach.

Here are some my favorite ways to relax:

  • Read a book with a cup of tea in my hands.
  • Work on a puzzle with the children and family members.
  • Look at family photo albums and cherish the memories.
  • Plan and cook a meal together with the family.
  • Go for a leisurely walk in a park.
  • Watch a good movie and share some tears or laughs.
  • Work on a hobby (I love to knit and crochet).
  • Skype with my family who live far away.

What have you been putting off because you have been too busy? Make time for it. You will be rejuvenated from engaging in something that pleases YOU. Relax! It’s good for you.